
We are continuing to appeal to our readers and visitors to donate to our work of running two centres. The annual budget is RM120,000 (USD38,000) for 2014 and 2015 and will grow higher as we recruit more staff and take in additional trainees.

Please make payment to 'Persatuan Berdikari Seremban Negeri Sembilan' with your name and address on a cover slip so we can mail you our official receipt. All donations from April 1 2011 will be exempted from taxation by the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia. Please send the payment to:

The Treasurer, Persatuan Berdikari Seremban Negeri Sembilan, 381, Jalan Kenanga 1, Taman Bukit Chedang, 70300 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.

Thank you for your support.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our Precious Partners

Betsi let in a secret this morning. We have 93 partners at last count since we launched the Partnership Program almost exactly a year ago. Some paid more than once in the year and we thank all of them for their generosity. Without partners and volunteers we would be nowhere in this work, really.

Christmas comes in just a week from now. I pray that our spirit of joy will not be in any way dampened by the current global economic recession. Think through this: Jesus Christ was not born in a predictable, safe or comfortable place. Yet he grew up in a warm and loving family and help restore broken relationship between men and between men and God. If Jesus had been born into a well-to-do family and a safe environment how can we expect Him to understand many of our predicaments of life? But He did, because He was there, done that and understood the ebbs of our difficult times. Therefore let nothing tough influence the true joy of Christmas, because Christmas is about God among humankind.

Let me wish each and everyone of you who read our posts a very blessed and thankful Christmas and may your New Year bring about new hope and new resource to face the challenges ahead. May God bless you and your family and give you health and happiness.

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