
We are continuing to appeal to our readers and visitors to donate to our work of running two centres. The annual budget is RM120,000 (USD38,000) for 2014 and 2015 and will grow higher as we recruit more staff and take in additional trainees.

Please make payment to 'Persatuan Berdikari Seremban Negeri Sembilan' with your name and address on a cover slip so we can mail you our official receipt. All donations from April 1 2011 will be exempted from taxation by the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia. Please send the payment to:

The Treasurer, Persatuan Berdikari Seremban Negeri Sembilan, 381, Jalan Kenanga 1, Taman Bukit Chedang, 70300 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.

Thank you for your support.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

LD Tell Tale Signs

In THIS news report the writer revealed signs in young children who may be learning disabled soon. Early detection will allow parents and caregivers timely intervention to help these children overcome their disabilities sooner than later. Here are some signs.

In young children

Red flags in preschool-age children:

• Pronunciation problems.
• Slow vocabulary growth.
• Trouble finding the right word.
• Trouble learning numbers, the alphabet or the days of the week.
• Extreme restlessness, a very short attention span and a poor ability to follow directions or routines.

As they get older

Red flags in elementary school-age children and older:

• Reversals of letters and words when learning to read.
• Failure to pay attention to details or making careless mistakes in schoolwork.
• Difficulty sustaining attention.
• Difficulty following through on instructions and failure to finish schoolwork.
• Seems very disorganized and/or often loses important things.
• Has trouble reading charts and maps.
• Has difficulty mastering number knowledge (e.g. recognition of quantities without counting).
• Has difficulty with learning and memorizing basic addition and subtraction facts.
• Has difficulty learning strategic counting principles (e.g. by 2, 5, 10, 100).
• Poorly aligns numbers, resulting in computation errors.

If you know of a family member, a neighbor's child, or a child of a church member or working colleague with any of these signs, you can point them to the possibility of LD.

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