This training held on 30th June was attended by 13 participants
comprising staff, volunteers and others interested in the ministry of PBSNS. The training gave a clear foundation on what is expected of caregivers as service providers.
Rev Paul Christie, Pastor Wesley Methodist
Church Seremban introduced
Pastor Wong Moi Lee, STM adjunct lecturer as
our guest speaker for the day.
Pastor Wong shared her rich experiences
working with young people with learning disability. She challenged the participants to understand
caring as taking responsibility to touch lives in the context of a living
relationship. She emphasized that in
order to build this relationship we must see ‘others’ as created in God’s image
and appreciate the uniqueness of the ‘other’.
The one hour dynamic talk culminated with a
reflective group discussion were participants were further challenged to
discuss concrete steps in order to stop dumping anger on a less ‘privileged’ person. Participants shared their experiences and
struggles as they encouraged each other.
Betsi, PBSNS trainer, presented “PBSNS
Challenge” by firstly explaining what Learning Disability is and moving on to
some of the common barriers that our trainees face in learning. She challenged participants to understand
that a learning disabled person’s condition does not doom him/her to
failure. As service providers it is our
responsibility to find ways to maximize the strengths of trainees in our care
rather than concentrate on their weaknesses. We must create an environment that
offers these young people appropriate and sufficient support by consistent
encouragement and opportunities for learning.
Peter Yew, PBSNS chairman in closing
reminded the participants that our tagline; “A Life Changing Experience” is a
constant affirmation of our role as caregivers in society.