It is with pride & joy that we at PBSNS welcomed students from Seminari Theoloji Malaysia (STM) in their endeavour to orient themselves to the work among People with Learning Disabilities. The team comprising 18 students from the English department and 15 students from the Chinese department and their respective lecturers Rev Dr Joseph Komar and Deaconess Margaret Chen were here to understand the complexities of this ministry to the marginalized segment of our society.
Seeing the trainees make Christmas cards, bake cakes, and after sampling the Banana walnut cake and Magic sponge (chocolate cake) these aspiring Church leaders expressed that they are “touched by their capabilities” and that this ministry challenges them. Several have assured us that they would promote our cards and cakes in their respective churches.
At PBSNS our vision is to see people with learning disability be self-reliant and move towards independent living. The focus of our training programme is to help discover their potential, enhance their capabilities and empower these people with dignity.>